slaves Checkout

So-called slave coffers were established to buy European sailors who had been abducted into slavery (mainly in the Mediterranean area) by pirates. Such institutions existed up to the 19th century, depending on the place. As early as the 17th century, slaves were introduced to the Hanseatic League. In the middle of the 18th century seafarers and shipowners in Denmark had to compel themselves for a kind of collateral insurance. The insurance contributions were based on the ranking and income of seafarers. Edit href = Edit

The Hamburg slavery fund was founded in 1624 by the Hamburg Admiralty to free Hamburg seafarers, who had fallen into slavery by North-African pirates. A certain amount of the crew was deducted from the heirs according to the rank. The fortunes of the Hamburg Slave Bank were supplemented by regular collections in the churches of the city.

The Hamburg slave bank was based on the Casse of the Eighth Counts erected for Hamburg captains and tax administrators in 1622, into which the members had to make an amount before the start of a ride. However, this contribution was prohibitive for simple seafarers. The Hamburg slave bank became an early form of social insurance.

Alone from 1719 to 1747 were paid for the release of 633 sailors 1.8 million "Mark Banco". Since the revenue was not enough, the cash desk was also dependent on donations. Edit this page

The Lübecker Slave Bank was established in 1627 by the City Council and established on 8 May 1629. It had stock until the 19th century. Because of the decline in Lübeck's shipping in the Mediterranean, the slavery fund was highly liquid as of the 18th century. The last ransom payment was made in 1805. Its residual value was used to replace the Sundolls (1857) and the Stader Elbzolls (1861) before it was dissolved on 24 July 1861. Single-level Edit source text



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