Laan theory

The Laan theory

LaaN theory comes from the acronym "Learning as a Network", where it is intended to elaborate a theoretical foundation on the teaching-learning process in which the learning environment is built and enriched. learning (PLE). This is based on theories such as connectivism, complexity theory and the concept of double loop learning (Chatti, Schroeder and Jarke, 2012 and Chatti, 2013).

LaaN proposes an environment where the protagonist is the apprentice who is creating his personal knowledge network (PKN) in order to form a complex, adaptable, dynamic and open entity.

This theory involves two conditions for the learner:

1. To be able to generate networks of knowledge, knowing at all times to locate the nodes of knowledge, to add, to navigate, to learn, to connect, to cooperate, to create, to strengthen and to extend knowledge. They should also help others build and extend their networks.

2. Get benefit of the double loop, constructing your own representation, reflecting, being self-critical, probing, detecting and correcting errors. Bibliography Main article: Education


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