Andrés Figueroa Figueroa

Andrés Figueroa Figueroa (Chaucingo, City of Huitzuco, Huitzuco de los Figueroa, State of Guerrero, January 13, 1884 - October 17, 1936) was a Mexican military.

His parents were Braulio Figueroa and Maria Figueroa. From a wealthy family, she studied in Quetzalapa and Cuernavaca; culminating them, in 1897, returned to the tasks of field.

In 1910 he carried out political activities in favor of Francisco I. Madero. At the end of the following year, it organized an armed group that was incorporated to the forces of the General Rómulo Figueroa, that were launched to the fight against the zapatistas.

For his merits in combat, he ascended by a rigorous ladder from captain 1 to colonel. Later, when he became aware of the assassinations of the first president Francisco I. Madero and the vice president, José María Pino Suárez, he ignored the regime of usurpation and once again fought in the Figueroa brigade. He obtained the position of general brigadier the 14 of April of 1920; the one of general of brigade, the 30 of January of 1924, and that of general of division, the 16 of May of 1929, the latter by merits in campaign.

He participated in the campaigns against the Zapatistas, Federales, Villistas, delahuertistas and Escobaristas.

Among the most outstanding charges and commissions of his military career are:

On June 16, 1935, he was appointed Secretary of State and Department of War and Navy, a position he held until his death.


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