The White Terror denominates in France several episodes of repression and terror carried out by the monarchists against their opponents. Its emblematic color was the white, because this is the color of the Bourbon monarchy. In contrast, Red Terror was called the immediately preceding repressive period, in which the Jacobins were their instigators and executors. The first wave of white terror was called Thermidorian reaction because it took place under the Thermidorian Convention, in 1794-1795, after the days of the thermidor month (summer month of the Republican calendar) that ended the regime of Terror. He chased the Jacobins in reaction to the newly finished red terror. In 1799, under the Directory, white terror was directed towards the Jacobins and other Republican currents.

In 1815, after the fall of Napoleon and when Louis XVIII reached the throne, clandestine monarchist groups undertook assassinations and massacres of Republican personalities and soldiers, Bonapartists and liberals, with the complicity of the authorities who were in charge of repression and of the purging of institutions. The repression was encouraged by the ultra-realists, led by the Count of Artois and future Charles X, brother of King Louis XVIII. Bibliography


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