Theodor Bail

Carl Adolf Emmo Theodor Bail (born May 5, 1833 in Haynau, 30 September 1922 in Danzig) was a German teacher, botanist and mycologist. His botanical-mycological author's is "Bail."

After studying De fae cerevisiae at the University of Breslau in 1857, he worked there. In 1857 he was accepted as a member of the German Academy of Naturalists Leopoldina with the nickname de Flotow. From 1862 to 1900 he worked in the debt service in Gdansk. In 1882 he was given the title of Professor. Edit the source text Edit source text Single-level Edit source text Standard data (person): GND: 116040289 (PICA, AKS) | VIAF: 22280649 | Wikipedia People Search



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