Caleta Loncochalgua

Caleta Loncochalgua or also called Caleta Huinay is a coastal town that belongs administratively to the commune of Hualaihué, Province of Palena, Region of the Lakes, Chile.

Caleta Loncochalgua is located at the mouth of the Loncochalgua River and the Huinay River.

Loncochalgua is located in the eastern sector of the Comau Fjord. It is the main wharf of the Huinay Scientific Research Center, owned by the Huinay Foundation, created by ENDESA and the Catholic University of Valparaiso. From this jetty the main transport between Hornopirén and Huinay is realized.

The entire coastline in front of Fundo Huinay is a protected marine area for scientific research. In this coastline are also Caleta Piedra Blanca and Punta Cascada.

More than 50 new species have been discovered here and another 100 are under study.


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